Joyería Poética
Soy Silvia, diseño joyas desde el 2007 motivada por el deseo de crear piezas únicas, originales, a partir de todo aquello que me conmueve, la literatura, la música, el arte y las vibraciones sencillas de la naturaleza.
Cada una de las piezas parte de un concepto o un tema para luego ser fabricado en Colombia a través de técnicas artesanales que imprimen un sello muy especial a cada joya.
Hago joyas con pasión para contarte historias y transmitirte la belleza del mundo que observo. Me encanta que uses tus joyas como si se tratara de un poema, con sensibilidad, elegancia, delicadeza y amor.
Poetic Jewelry
I'm Silvia, i design jewelry since 2007 moved by the desire to create unique, exclusive pieces from everything that inspires me, literature, music, art, and simple things in nature and life.
Each single jewel is handmade in my studio in Colombia through ancient techniques which imprints an special feeling to my work. I start each collection inspired by a topic or theme, then go through research, exploration and experimentation to offer you a very thoughtful and lovely design.
I make jewels with passion to tell you love stories and express the beauty of the world that you and i appreciate. I love that you can wear your jewels as a poem, with sensibility, elegance, delicacy, but above all, with love.